
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual State

Ubqari Magazine - March 2014

Surah Hashar’s last verse (once), recitation of”Nafi Asbaat”, supplications & prayers till Adhan-e-Fajr. After the fajr adhaan, two rakat sunnahs.

Ain, Karachi

Respected Hakeem Sahab, Assalam-o-Alikum! I didn’t want to do it, but I have to make you aware of my routine. Because it is important to tell about one’s routine to the Sheikh. My routine is a little bit like this.

I wake up every night at 3am and:

  • undergo the process of bed tea
  • Recite a Tasbeeh of ”Allah Tera Shukr Hai”
  • 3 Tasbeehat of ”Bait Card”
  • 2 Rakat ”Salaat-ul-Hajaat”
  • 2 Rakat ”Tahaiyat-ul-wudhu” تحیۃ الوضو
  • 6 Rakat ”Tahajud”
  • Surah Yaseen(once)
  • Surah Mulk(once)
  • Surah Muzammil(5 times)
  • Drink 3 glasses water of dam (dam: Surah Ikhlas(once), Surah Fateha(7 times), Ya-Salam   یَاسَلَامُ (33 times)
  • One Tasbeeh of  “Rabi Inni Zalamtu Nafsi Fakh Firli”  رَبِّ اِنِّیْ ظَلَمْتُ نَفْسِیْ فَاغْفِرْلِیْ
  • اَللّٰھُمَّ بَارِکْ لِیْ فِی الْمَوْتِ وَ فِیْ مَابَعْدَالْمَوْت “ALLAH Huma Barik Lafil Mouti-wa-Fi Mabadilmout” (27 times)
  • Surah Hashar’s last verse(once)
  • recitation of ”Nafi Asbaat”
  • prayers till Azzan-e-Fajr
  • After the Azzan, I pray two Sunnats, perform Wudhu again and go to the mosque,
  • recite Ayat-ul-Qursi on my way,
  • recite one Tasbeeh of “Subhan ALLAH-he-wabi hum di hi Subah Allah hay hil alyyousal Azzeem  سُبْحَانَ اللہِ وَبِحَمْدِہٖ سُبْحَانَ اللہِ الْعَظِیْمِ after entering the mosque,
  • I offer Fajr prayers with the congregation.
  • Recite one Tasbeeh of the last two verses of ”Surat Taubah”,
  • one Tasbeeh of “Yea Baisou , Yea Fatahou  Yea Karemou یَابَاعِثُ یَافَتَّاحُ  یَاکَرِیْمُ
  • three Tasbeehat of bait card,
  • one Tasbeeh of 1st Kalma,
  • Surat Yaseen(once),
  • 4 Rakaat Ishraq prayer, 
  • [ALLAH Huma Ajerni Minan Naar] اَللّٰھُمَّ اَجِرْنِی مِنَ النَّارِ ( 7 times)
  • Then i go for Zuhr prayer, pray with jamaat, recite a Tasbeeh of Surah Taubah’s last two verses
  • one Tasbeeh of [Yea Baisou یَابَاعِثُ , Yea Fatahou  یَافَتَّاحُ , Yea Karemou یَاکَرِیْمُ ]
  • one Tasbeeh of 1st Kalma,
  • then I recite the Holy Quran for some time,
  • Surah Muzammil (5 times)

Then I come back home. Then I go to the mosque at 4:30, recite the Holy Quran till Asar prayer, and perform the prayer with jamaat

  • recite a Tasbeeh of Surah Taubah’s last two verses
  • one Tasbeeh of  [Yea Baisou یَابَاعِثُ , Yea Fatahou  یَافَتَّاحُ , Yea Karemou یَاکَرِیْمُ ],
  • one Tasbeeh of 1st Kalma,
  • one Tasbeeh of”Allah Tera Ehsaan hai”,
  • ALLAH Huma Ajerni Minan Naar] اَللّٰھُمَّ اَجِرْنِی مِنَ النَّارِ ( 7 times)
  • then i recite [Allah Huma Salay-Elah Muhammadin Kama Tuhibou wa terza lahou] 
  • اَللّٰھُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ کَمَاتُحِبُّ وَتَرْضٰی لَہٗ  till Maghrib,
  • pray with Jammat, perform 6 Rakaat Awabeen prayer,
  • recite Darood Sharif till Isha prayer, three Tasbeehat of Bait-card before ”Awabeen”,
  • one Tasbeeh of the last two verses of ”Surah Taubah”,
  • one Tasbeeh of یَابَاعِثُ یَافَتَّاحُ  یَاکَرِیْمُ,
  • one Tasbeeh of 1st Kalma,
  • then Isha Prayer with congregation.
    • One time Surah Muzamil,
    • 1 Tasbeeh of the last 2 verses of Surah Taubah,
    • one Tasbeeh first Kalma,
    • one Tasbeeh یَابَاعِثُ یَافَتَّاحُ  یَاکَرِیْمُ
    • After coming home and before sleeping recite last ruko of Surah Baqra,
    • one time Ayatul Kursi,
    • one time last 5 verses of Surah Mominoon
    • While reciting Kalma I go to sleep. By the grace of Allah when I wake up Kalma is on my lips.
    • Before Kalma I recite 11 times “Yea Baisou یَابَاعِثُ , Yea Fata Hou”  یَافَتَّاحُ 
    • after Maghrib and Isha  “ALLAH Huma Ajerni Minan Nar”    اَللّٰھُمَّ اَجِرْنِی مِنَ النَّارِ
    • I excessively recite Darood Sharef  almost 4-5 thousands daily and until now, 17 lac has been completed. 
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